Patrícia Teixeira

My curiosity is connected with nature and the natural cycles.
My education started in Architecture followed by Photography and Communication Design. Crossing different artistic expressions, exploring the therapeutic power of art, and creating beauty are precious themes to me.
As a creative I am motivated and inspired by observing and contemplating what is visible and invisible, acknowledging, embodying and expressing it through art.
I am enchanted by cooperative processes as a mean to develop ideas and integrated solutions with and to the community involved in the process. I enjoy producing and/or participating in experiences and celebrations that energise communities, creating feelings of care, belonging, grounding, that strengthen bonds that make us feel the joy of life. This Social engagement pushes me towards an active and aggregative citizenship, which creates synergies and value for the whole, where we can find fertile ground to pass on important, urgent, and transformative concepts.
Having gone through a Culture of Peace Journey, I have integrated into my projects this conscious way of weaving peaceful relationships with life, which nourishes me greatly.
"We must, above all, learn two things: to learn what an extraordinary thing the world is, and to learn to be quite wide inside, so that the whole world can come in." Agostinho da Silva (translated by the facilitator)
“Temos, sobretudo, de aprender duas coisas: aprender o extraordinário que é o mundo e aprender a ser bastante largo por dentro, para o mundo todo poder entrar.” Agostinho da Silva