EDE - Schloss Tonndorf, Germany
Type: Face to Face
Start Date: 29th of August
End Date: 20th of September
Website: https://trainingforfuture.wixsite.com/tonndorf2020
Contact: ede.team.for.future@gmail.com
Certified by:
Programme Description
The Training for Future Ecovillage Design Education is a Gaia Education certified, Erasmus+ cofunded, three week long training, covering 4 dimensions of sustainability: social, ecological, economic and cultural, integrated by the Design studio projects.
Training for Future EDE is for youth workers with passion for supporting youth in making a change towards sustainability.
It will take place in the beautiful setting of the Schloss Tonndorf ecovillage, Germany.
The Training for Future offers you to:
● Learn about 4 dimensions of sustainability: social, ecological, economic and cultural,
integrated by the Design studio projects
● Learn through various types of intelligence/learning, including discussions, lectures,
hands-on work, arts, physical activities etc.
● Develop skills in the areas of participatory, agile and democratic facilitation, communication
and decision making
● Gain a deeper knowledge of ways and practices of living responsibly and respectfully within
planetary boundaries
● Gain attitudes and competences in creating and upholding equitable and resilient
● Gain skills and networking potentials aimed at building bridges and inspiring change
● Develop your own project through Design studio module
● Have personal experience of a functioning ecovillage
● Experience community building
● Gain Gaia Education certificate
The Training will start on the 30th of August and end on the 19th of September 2020, while the 29th of August and the 20th of September will be the arrival and departure days.
Find out more about the training and how to apply at the link below.
The castle has 800 years of history an the community there exists since 2005, there are 68 people living there now. They host a lot of groups all over the year and cooperate with villages in the region to share experiences of sustainable living
Schloss Tonndorf
Our declared goal is to create diverse fields of employment at the place of residence that are in harmony with the special place and make the community economically independent. In some areas self-sufficiency is sought, which will also have an effect on the outside in the sense of subsistence farming. Some activities are already well established operations, others are in the planning or development phase.

How to run an EDE?
Several of our EDE graduates have carried on organising EDE programmes in their local areas, and you are warmly encouraged to do so after completing your course.
The recommended time frame of an EDE is four weeks, however this is not fixed and varies with each individual programme.
The material can be condensed into smaller workshops, spread out over a longer period, or distributed in blocks at different times and locations.