Ana Carolina Simas

Ana is an educator and facilitator on Sustainable Education and Collaborative Communication.
She worked as a permanent lecturer at Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil, from 2001 to 2022, facilitating learning processes and regenerative projects with traditional, popular and intentional communities and groups. She has a Master and a PhD in Communication and Culture (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), and did a Post-Doc action-research in
Transformative Education for the Sustainability of Socio-ecological Systems (Wageningen University, Netherlands).
She worked as a permanent lecturer at Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil, from 2001 to 2022, facilitating learning processes and regenerative projects with traditional, popular and intentional communities and groups. She has a Master and a PhD in Communication and Culture (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), and did a Post-Doc action-research in
Transformative Education for the Sustainability of Socio-ecological Systems (Wageningen University, Netherlands).
Born and raised in the mountains of Serra do Mar, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the proximity and connection with the forest, mountains and waters were key in her formation. Ana has been learning and working with Nature, traditional peoples and their medicines since a very young age, especially in the Amazon forest. As part of this path, she has been serving in projects and
initiatives for sustainability and regeneration with communities in the Western Amazon for more than 10 years.
She was trained and has experience in systemic and regenerative methodologies of collaborative communication and dialogue, collaborative project creation and management, sustainable community development, deep ecology, and popular and transformative education. Among these, she is a facilitator in the Way of Council and The Work that Reconnects, and a trainer in Dragon Dreaming.
Ana seeks to seed and live the medicine of circular practices in groups, collectives and organizations. She lives in a small ecovillage project in Minas Gerais with her partner and their three children. She currently coordinates a Regenerative Education Program in a Brazilian NGO, and collaborates with the Global Ecoversities Alliance. Ana is also a CASA (Consejo de
Asentamientos Sustentables de America Latina) Brasil council member.
Knowledge Cloud
Country: Brazil.
Academic Titles: MA and PhD in Communication and Culture. Post-doc in Transformative Education.
Teaching language: Portuguese, English.
EDEs facilitated:
Coordination team and also an instructor of:
Amazonas (AmaGaia), Brazil, 2013
Viçosa, Brazil, 2015-16
Instructor of:
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2012
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2012
Nazaré Uniluz, Brazil, 2015
Maputo, Moçambique, 2018
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2018
Paraná, Brazil, 2018