Hans Ryding

Hans is a permaculture designer and educator, located in the
Southernmost parts of Sweden.
With a varied background, ranging from work as a DJ, sound technician
and semi-professional musician,
to social work and organisational studies,
with a focus on social mobilisation and neoinstitutional organisational
Work led to burn-out, and a redefining of purpose and direction,
leading to urban farming and contact-improvisation dance, and eventually
Hans has worked the last 10 years professionally as a permaucluture
educator and overall polyworker, with a multitude of different hats,
including those of a board memeber of several permaculture associations.
The last few years focus came to deepening understanding of educational
And after seversl teachers-courses including a ToT with Jane Rabash,
he found a passion for "Empowerment pedagogy" and and a new focus of
spreading a different view of education,
inspired by Paulo Freire among others. To help people develop skills to
do what they want
together with others, and with a deep awareness of the structures of
society in which they do it.
Country: Sweden
Teaching language: Swedish and English