Rodrigo D´Almeida


“At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled.”

– Marshall B. Rosenberg/ Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Rodrigo D´Almeida is an educator and regenerative designer inspired by Gaia Education, researcher, Master Degree in Sustainable Development at UFRRJ and facilitator of Cultures of Peace.

Co-founder of RUPI – Intelligent and Participative Urban Resilience: hub, consultancy and nascent laboratory of practices for sustainable and regenerative development.

Areas of activity are communities and schools in situations of vulnerability or in areas at risk. In his work, he uses methodologies to focus on collaborative processes and regenerative practices in strengthening resilience and for disaster risk reduction. As a consultant for urban resilience, he serves national and international NGOs, government institutions and companies.

As an activist, he supports re-union with the Earth and with all living beings that inhabit it.

Knowledge Cloud

Country: Brazil

Academic Titles: Master Degree in Sustainable Development by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro


Teaching language: Portuguese

Our Choices, our Voices, Our Times 2016 (in portuguese)

A Practical Risk Reduction Guide – an Experience with Young People in the Mountainous Region of Rio de Janeiro 2013 (in portuguese)

Academic Papers:
Resilient School – Collaborative Practices for Risk Reduction in the School Environment. 2017 UFRRJ (in portuguese)

Press articles:
Case Study on Community Resilience 2017 for Save the Children (in english)

Case Study on Participatory School Disaster Management – 2017 for Save the Children (in english)

