Gustavo Machado

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Gustavo Machado

“Somewhere beyond right and wrong, there is a garden. I will meet you there.”

– Rumi

Chemical engineer, holistic therapist, professor and engaged in social change from within our emotions, our relationships and social technologies adapted to different territories. Gustavo believes that to act sustainably, we must be attentive to the impact of our actions in the world and within ourselves from an integral approach, contemplating all the dimensions involved.

Researcher at Fiocruz focusing on Public Health, Environment and Sustainability Policies, Gustavo coordinates a project of ecological sanitation with Traditional communities in OTSS/Brazil. As Dragon Dreaming Multiplier, he facilitates projects and planning in organizations with cooperation themes. As a holistic therapist, Gustavo acts as Professor of Reiki and “Energy Alignment”, a therapy derived from shamanism.

From the relevance of care with interpersonal relationships to sustain projects, Gustavo integrates various lines of action to promote sustainability and alignment with purpose for people, their relationships and organisations within.

Knowledge Cloud

Country: Brazil

Academic Titles: Chemical engineer, post-graduated in sanitary engineering, MSc in environmental engineer and currently Ph.D. student of Psycho-Sociology


Teaching language: Portuguese and English

EDEs Facilitated:

Açores (Portugal) 2014

Rio de Janeiro – Youth EDE (Brazil) 2014

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 2015

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 2018

Academic Papers:

1) GALLO, E.; SETTI, A. F. F.; RUPRECHT, T.; SOBRINHO, F. X.; FINAMORE, P.; SHUBO, T.; MACHADO, G. M. – Territorial Solutions, Governance and Climate Change: Ecological Sanitation at Praia do Sono, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In: Walter Leal Filho, Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro, Fatima Alves. (Org.). Climate Change and Health: improving resilience and reducing risks. 1ed. Berlim: Springer International Publishing, v. 1, p. 515-532.

2) MACHADO, G. C. X. M. P.; HAGUENAUER, C.; RUPRECHT, T.; XAVIER SOBRINHO, F.; GALLO, E. – Ecological Sanitation: A Territorialized Agenda for Strengthening Traditional Communities Facing Climate Change. In: Walter Leal Filho, Leonardo Esteves de Freitas (Org.). Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America: Managing Vulnerability, Fostering Resilience. 1ed. Springer International Publishing, v. 1, p. 103-129, 2017.

3) Machado, Gustavo Carvalhaes X, Tania M. DE F. B. Maciel, Lucia Carrera, and Edmundo Gallo. 2018. “Environmental Educommunication and Ecology of Knowledge in the Caiçara Community of Praia do Sono, Paraty, RJ, Brazil.” The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice 13 (4): 15-31.

4) MACHADO, G. C. X. M. P.; SANTORO, K.; GUIMARÃES, F. R.; FEITOSA, R. C.; SHUBO, T. C. – Implementação do sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos em uma instituição de saúde: Um estudo de caso – 27º Congresso de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – ABES – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – Saneamento, Ambiente e Sociedade: Entre a gestão, a política e a tecnologia. Goiânia, setembro de 2013.

Press articles:

MACHADO, G. C. X. M. P.; SHUBO, T. C.; dos SANTOS, M. J.; PEREIRA, M. E. C. – I curso de biossegurança e meio ambiente: sensibilização quanto à conduta no manuseio de resíduos gerados na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Proposta de Ensino). Em: Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais – CEFET/MG (Org.). Anais do II Seminário Nacional de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (Apresentação Oral). Belo Horizonte: Centro Federal de Educação de Minas


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