E. Christopher Mare

“Live more in your spine”– Paramahansa Yogananda
Christopher began a self-designed university education at the same time the Global Ecovillage Network was getting started. He endeavoured to set an academic precedent for the vision they were presenting. This resulted in the world’s first degree devoted to Ecovillage Design.
Since then Christopher has completed two Masters and a PhD. During this process he coordinated the writing of the first four versions of the EDE curriculum and the Ecological Key. His doctoral dissertation bore the title Designing for Consciousness, which is his passion. Christopher facilitates a Design Studio process that integrates Yoga as a method for conditioning the nervous system in preparation for perceiving essence.
His NGO Village Design Institute will secure a land-base upon which to establish an Academy of Design whose purpose will be researching and promulgating Designing for Consciousness principles and techniques.
Knowledge Cloud |
Country: USA |
Academic Titles: M.A. Whole Systems Design, M.A. Human and Organisational Systems, PhD. |
Website: http://www.villagedesign.org/ |
Teaching language: English |
EDEs Facilitated: Wongsanit Ashram 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Albuquerque 2006-7 |
Publications: EDE Curriculum, 2005 Ecological Key, 2011 Designing for Consciousness: Towards a Theory of Environmental Design using Neurophenomenology as Methodology, 2016 |
Academic Papers: The Urban Village: Synergy of Ecology and Urbanism, 2006 Design for Beauty: Evolution beyond Sustainability, 2010 Towards a Neurophenomenology of Settlement Morphology, 2012 |
Press articles: Designing My Own Education for the Ecovillage Millennium, 2000 ¿Qué es el Diseño? 2013 Designing for Consciousness: Outline of a Neurophenomenological Research Program, 2016 |