Débora Rocha

debotra-rocha new size

“Dream wildly. Plan wisely. Do it with great joy. Celebrate all the time and your dreams come true” –  John Croft

Debora Rocha is an appreciator of urban relations. Graduated in Architecture and Urban Planning she teaches at Federal University of Technology of Paraná (UTFPR). A researcher of perspectives and initiatives that will contribute to the paradigm shift of place-making.

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Brazil
Academic Titles: Post graduate
Website: http://institutonhandecy.org.br/
Teaching language: Portuguese, Italian and English
(2018) Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável: a experiência do Instituto Nhandecy. In: Rose Marie Inojosa. (Org.). educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável: metodologias e experiencias. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora CRV, 2018, v. 1

Academic and Press Papers:

(2019) Resistências na produção do espaço público: sujeitos e seus interesses no processo do Parque Gomm. UFPR.

