Sascha Jenke


“You cannot make your life a reaction to others; you must make your life your own.” 
– Yogi Bhajan   

Sascha has worked for nearly 20 years as an urban planner, with experience in landscape architecture, and has Master’s degrees in both Design & Management and Permaculture.

Sascha is engaged in cradle2cradle (Regional and German cradle2cradle building group) and in the local Transition Town Movement. He has been a Kundalini Yoga teacher for about 10 years, a KY teacher trainer, a Karam Kriya (applied numerology) consultant, trained in Satnamrasayan (healing method). As a life coach, he gives consultations based on KK. With KK, Sascha has brought his experiences together in a holistic and sustainable approach, similar to the 4 Dimensions. He believes that by connecting to our inner potential and the universal plan we will create peace in the world that allows us to live in harmony with creation. He wants to support individuals and communities to regain a conscious life based on their own true potential.

Knowledge Cloud 

Country: Germany
Academic Titles: Dipl Ing. Architecture & Urbanism
Teaching language: German, English, Dutch, Italian

Beobachtungen zum Reihenhausbau in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland, published in AW203, 2005; Observations on the Zwarte Madonna, published in Oase 62, 2003
