“My Great Aspiration is to Serve Life and Peace” Monika Hösterey

Gaia Education has so many inspiring past students enacting positive change around the globe. Monika Hösterey is one of these students. Monika has spent the last eight years in an intentional community (Inla Kesh), embedded in an indigenous community, in Mexico. Monika has engaged in so many amazing pursuits, including but not restricted to: being part of the Global Campus of the Peace Research Community in Tamera, Portugal and part of C.A.S.A Mexico; bringing knowledge in action to Water and Land Management, Biointensive gardening, Macrobiotics and Biodanza; facilitating Deep Ecology and Work that Reconnects and co-founding and coordinating the woman’s re-education centre ‘La Loba’.

Amongst all these amazing endeavors, in 2017 Monika took part in the ToT in Findhorn. She shares with us some of the impacts the ToT course had on her work:
“I recognize that the ToTs experience helped me a lot to be more efficient in my sharing and to use a variety of methods in order to include different learning styles. I can now more efficiently interlink every topic with one or even more of the 4 dimensions. To know how to interlink the 17 SDGs, giving me a huge range of possibilities to make the interconnectedness more visible in different kind of groups.
I also created very nourishing relationships with other course mates. I feel empowered to feel part of a team of change-makers with the same vision and wish to join all our efforts and to be spiritually guided in order to support life on earth.”

Since her ToT experience Monika has been active as ever, creating positive change in the world.
“In this moment, I have the intention to strengthen the youth education in Chichihuistan, Chiapas. For this purpose we would like to establish a permanent Gaia Education base in Inla Kesh, where indigenous people are empowered and supported in their world view. In this way they have the opportunity to get in contact with other cultural contexts to create common visions and common actions. This will also influence the people coming from elsewhere.
We also are activating a regular interchange with other indigenous young people with a positive sustainable impact model in Chichihuistan, inspired by the “Campesino a Campesino” (Farmer to Farmer) method. It will be the deepening of the ongoing project of Chichihuistan, improving sustainable food security and livelihoods in the vulnerable community of Chichihuistan and its surroundings. We will offer a capacity-building program adapted for this particular region with the aim to develop effective climate change adaptation strategies.”
Inla Kesh is currently running a place based education project. If you would like to learn more about this, support them or just learn more about the community head to their website.